Clothing & Goods
Food & Beverage
Hotel & Toursism
Health & Beauty
Childcare & Schools
Medical & Wellness
Charity Organizations
Online Sales
Sales & Rentals
Stores & Pharmacy
Clinics & Shops
Professional Services
Our Reporting Solutions suite offers powerful tools to maximize your business potential 24/7.
Our comprehensive solution is designed for merchants of all sizes – providing real-time insights enabling efficient management of payment transaction data to make smarter business decisions in real-time.
Monitor your sales performance compared to your local market.
Stay updated on your previous day’s funding activity without calling customer service.
Help protect your business from unnecessary chargeback losses due to missed deadlines.
A wide variety of user-defined options, multiple reporting packages, and the ability to download data provide the flexibility to meet your needs.
Know what’s happening with your business transactions through email alerts announcing key deposit, dispute, and reconciliation events.
Access and manage all processing data through a consolidated, user-friendly web portal.
An innovative suite of online tools enables full access to payments metrics dashboards and detailed querying from the web, providing access virtually anywhere and anytime.
Run your business more efficiently with one-stop access to processing activity, popular applications, and valuable resources through a consolidated interface.
Enjoy an at-a-glance view of your processing information and easy-to-use features to manage your account conveniently.
Easily access transaction-level detail for each bank deposit and reconcile daily against your business checking account.
When processing online transactions, it is important to keep track of your financial transactions. Our Merchant Portal is an intuitive dashboard to manage your transactions
24/7 access to all system functions through your smartphone, tablet or computer.
View all sales with cards in charts and dashboards that show you They will help you understand your business.
Create custom reports to help you understand the behavior and habits of customers.
Search and download account statements for a specific period.
Dynamics Payments serves as an ally for small and medium businesses providing innovation in electronic payment transactions through operational excellence and customer support.
Dynamics Payments is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA and Oriental Bank, San Juan, PR.
The Clover name and logo are owned by Clover Network, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data corporation, and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.
Clothing & Goods
Food & Beverage
Hotel & Toursism
Health & Beauty
Childcare & Schools
Medical & Wellness
Charity Organizations
Online Sales
Sales & Rentals
Stores & Pharmacy
Clinics & Shops
Professional Services