Swipe Simple B200

Quick Reference Guide


Make a Sale (With Card)

  1. Type the amount on the Keypad Tab on the Sale Screen or select an item from your inventory by choosing from the Items Tab.
  2. Tap on the Charge Button.
  3. Connect your Swipe Simple card reader to the mobile device.
  4. Swipe, Dip, or Tap your card or device when prompted by the app.Swipe, Dip, or Tap your card or device when prompted by the app.
  5. Select Receipt to enter an email or phone number to send a receipt.
    • * If Incorrect amount or item is selected, go to Cart tab and tap Clear twice.

Make a Sale (Card not Present)

  1. Follow previous steps 1-2 then Select Keyed Entry and enter Card Number.
  2. Enter Expiration Date, CVV code and Zip Code.
  3. Select Process and have customer enter signature.
  4. Select Receipt to enter an email or phone number to send a receipt.

Cash Sale

  1. Follow previous steps 1-2 then Choose Cash and enter Tendered Amount.
  2. Select Process and return change (if applicable).
  3. Select Receipt to enter an email or phone number to send a receipt.

Add items to Sale

  1. Tap the Items tab on the Sale screen.
  2. Select the item you wish to add to sale.
  3. To add more than one item, tap equal amount of items needed.

* Search option can be used in order to locate desired item easily.
** You can use the Cart tab to manage the amount of items being charged in transaction.

Add a New Item not in Inventory To Sale

  1. Enter the Item amount.
    • Enter the amount to charge using the Keypad tab on the Sale Screen to add a Quick Item.
  2. Add the amount to a transaction.
    • Select Charge to view/edit item on the Cart tab.
  3. Tap Quick Item on the Cart tab to customize the new item’s name, adjust quantity, or turn tax on or off.

* To add another item to the sale, tap (+) and enter another amount.

Issue Refunds

  1. Go to History tab.
  2. Select transaction to be Refunded.
  3. Enter amount and tap on Refund.

Data on Reports Page

  • Daily Summary: See total sales, tips, taxes, and refunds per day.

View Transactions

  1. Go to Transactions page to view:
    • Transaction Number
    • Transaction Date and Time
    • Transaction Status
    • Cardholder Name (for swiped and dipped transactions)
    • Authorization Code
    • Card Details: Issuer, last 4 digits of card number and transaction value.

* From here you can also export the las 1000 transactions by selecting Export Transactions list in CVS format.

Manage Signature, Sales Tax and Tips

  1. Go to Account Settings page on left panel.
  2. Choose between:
    • Signature Settings: Choose when the app asks for signatures on non-EMV transactions.
    • Tax Settings: Choose whether the app to collects sales tax and set the tax rate.
    • Tip Settings: Choose whether the app prompts for tips and set default tip percentages.

Process Transactions

  1. Go to Items page on left panel.
  2. Enter the following information:
    • Amount , Reference Number (Optional), Cardholder Name (Optional) ,Credit Card Number
    • Card Expiration Date, Card CVV, Zip Code.
  3. Click on Charge.
  4. Choose between Print Receipt or Send Receipt.

Manage Inventory

  1. Go to Items page on left panel.
  2. Choose between:
    • Add New Item
      • New items can be added to inventory individually or in bulk through the “Upload multiple items using a CSV file” option.
    • Edit Items
      • Edit an item’s name, price, SKU, taxability, and quantity by selecting the item from the table.
    • Export items list in CVS format
      • Use to download current inventory items into a CVS file.

Customize Receipts

  1. Go to Account Settings page on left panel.
  2. Edit details for Header and/or footer of the receipts.

Voice Authorizations

PR: 787.783.8689

USA / USVI: 1.855.437.9991

Información de Contacto

Permítenos asistirte. Haga clic en el botón de abajo para contactarnos.


Venta al detal

Ropa y bienes






Hotelería y Turismo

Personal Care

Cuidado personal

Salud y Belleza



Cuido y Escuelas


Cuidado de la salud

Medicina y Bienestar

Non Profit

Sin fines de lucro

Organizaciones de caridad


Comercio electrónico

Ventas en línea



Ventas y Alquileres



Tiendas y Farmacia



Clínicas y Tiendas

Small Business

Pequeños negocios

Servicios profesionales